Barbara Poggio

Vice-Rector for Equity and Diversity Policies

University of Trento

Full professor

Department of Sociology and social research

Via Verdi, 26 - 38122 Trento
tel. 0461 283719 | 0461 281263
barbara.poggio[at]unitn [dot] it

Post-doc Fellowship at the Department of Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento (1999-2004)

Ph.D in Sociology and Social Research at the University of Trento (1997). Thesis title: Carriere: donne e uomini tra percorsi lavorativi e vicende familiari (Careers: women and men among working path and family life)

Degree cum laude in Sociology (1992) at the Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento. Thesis title: La separazione coniugale nell'esperienza dei mariti e delle mogli (Marital Separation in the experience of husbands and wifes). The thesis was awarded by the Federazione Italiana Donne Arti Professioni Affari (Italian Federation of Women Arts Professions and Business)

Academic career and teaching activities

Barbara Poggio is Vice Rector for Equality and Diversity of University of Trento.

She is currently full professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Research where she teaches Sociology of Work and Sociology of Organisations.

2015-2021 Chairperson of the Central Committee for the promotion of equal opportunities, workers’ welfare and non-discrimination (CUG) 

2007-2021 Head of the Center of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies of the same university

Membership of Ph.D Programmes Boards

2018-22    Member of the Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, University of Milan di Torino.

2016-18  Member of the Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Historical-Literary and Gender Studies, University of Rome - La Sapienza.

2004-15    Member of the Board of the Ph.D. Programme in Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento.

Teaching (selection)

  • Sociology of Work, MA Programme in Organization Management, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2008-2022)
  • Sociology of Organization BA Programme in Sociology, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2005-2022)
  • Gender Issues in Social and Political Research, MA Programme in Organization Management, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2018-2022)
  • Qualitative Methods, Ph.D Programme in Sociology and Social Research (2005-2014)
  • Industrial Sociology, Ma Programme in Work, Organization and Information Systems, Faculty of Sociology (2005-2008)
  • Project Work, 1st level Master Programme in Gender Policies, University of Trento (2005-2008)
  • Gender Policies, Programme Women, Politics and Insitutions, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (2008-2009).
  • Introduction to the Labour World, BA Programme “Sociology”, Faculty of Sociology, University of Trento (2003-2005).
  • Sociology of Organization, BA Programme in Science of Communication, Faculty of Literature, University of Siena (2000-2006).
  • Gender and Organization, 1st level Master Programme in Managerial Techniques for Nursing Coordinators, University of Verona, (2001).
  • Sociology of Work, BA Programme in “Computer and Communications Engineering”, Faculty of Engineering, University of Siena (2000-2001).
Research interests

Relationship among gender, work and organisations; gender and scientific careers; occupational welfare; work-life balance; narrative analysis

Research work

She coordinated several national and international projects and carried out studies and researches about gender asymmetries in organisations, gender and science, gender and entrepreneurship, work precariousness and work-life balance. In particular she coordinated FP7, TSER, EQUAL, LEONARDO, SOCRATES and PRIN projects. She devoted specific attention to the methodological issues and in particular to narrative analysis. 

  • Member of the Advisory Board of the European Project EDIRE “Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion for Research Enhancement in Bosnia and Herzegovina” – Horizon 4.1 Widening participation and spreading excellence”, coord. University Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (2022-24)
  • Scientific coordination of the University of Trento Unit within the Academic National Project funded by the Ministry of Education  “GEA - GEndering Academia" (2019-22).
  • Scientific coordinator of the Project "Diversity, Equality and inclusion in pre-primary Education and care: a gender perspective" (DEE) on Erasmus+ Programme (2017-20).
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the European Project EFFORTI “Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I” - H2020 Research and Innovation Action”, coord. Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten, Munchen (2016-18). 
  • Scientific coordinator of the Project “Gendering the Academy and Research: Combat Instability and Asymmetries” (GARCIA) on Seventh Framework Programme (2013-15).
  • Scientific advisor of the project  “Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia (FESTA)” on Seventh Framework Programme (2012-16).
  • Scientific coordination of the Trento Unit of the pilot project "Trapped or Flexible? Risk transitions and missing policies for young high-skilled workers in Europe" founded by European Commission (2011-12).
  • Scientific coordination of the project Socrates-Gruntvig 2 PLESES (Parental Leave Experiences and Skills for Enterprises and Society), Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento, (2006-9).
  • Scientific coordination of the project Equal GELSO (Gender, Work and Occupational Segregation), Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2004-7).
  • Scientific coordination of the research project “Tra normalità e crisi: spunti per un’analisi narrativa delle carriere lavorative” (Between Normality and Crisis: hints for narrative analysis of working careers) within the Academic National Project funded by the Ministry of Education  “Transizioni biografiche: oggetti e modelli di analisi a confronto” (Biographical Transitions: objects and models of analysis in comparison), (2005-7).
  • Scientific coordination  of the research on women and politics in the Province of Trento within the project LIDERAL (Intercontinental Observatory on women Leadership) (2006).
  • Scientific coordination  of the project NEW-FACES (New Fatherhood concepts in European Cities) funded by European Community - Programme relating to the Community Framework Strategy on Gender Equality, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2006)
  • Coordination of the Research “Work, Women and Technology”, Dept. of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento (2003-2004).
  • Coordinator of the Italian Unit of the project “SERVEMPLOI.  Innovations in Information Society Sectors – Implications for Women’s Work, Expertise and Opportunities in European Workplaces funded  by the European Commission under the Targeted Socio-Economic Research Programme (TSER) – (1998-2001)
Memberships in societies and scientific committees


AIS-Genere e AIS-Vita quotidiana


Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender of the University of Trento (2007-2021).

Co-director of the editorial series Questioni di Genere - Rosenberg & Sellier

Member of the Editorial Direction of Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia and Sociologia del Lavoro. 

She is or was member of the Editorial Board of the Journals: Gender Work and Organization, Gender in Management Review, Educational Reflective Practices, Polis, Rassegna italiana di Sociologia, Social Problems, Sociologia del Lavoro.

Member of the Group of Sociology of the publishing company "Il Mulino"

Conferences and lectures

Conferences, workshops and streams organized

2022 Stream convenor “De-gendering Academic Careers: What kind of gender equality? – 11th European Feminist Research Conference, University of Milano Bicocca, 15-18 June (with Manuela Naldini)  

2022 Stream convenor “Academic careers and asymmetries in a changing system” – VI Convegno SISEC “Il lavoro della transizione”, Università di Bologna, 8-11 giugno (with Alessandra Minello and Agnese Vitali).  

2021 Stream convenor “Gender Asymmetries in Academia” - II international conference of Scuola democratica, “Reinventing education”, University of Cagliari, 2-5 June (with Manuela Naldini). 

2020  Co-director of the National Conference “Genere e R-Esistenze in movimento: Soggettività, Azioni, Prospettive” – University of Trento, 31 January – 1 February (with Alessia Donà and Maria Micaela Coppola).

2018  Stream convenor “Structural Change: Management, Strategies and Methods for Institutional Transformation” - 10th European Conference in Higher Education – Trinity College, Dublin, 20-22 August.

2017 Co-director of the National Conference “Saperi di genere”, Università di University of Trento, 20-21 January (with A. Murgia).

2016 Stream convenors “It's not All about Numbers:  Gendering Processes in Technologies and Technological Careers” - 6th STS Italia Conference - Sociotechnical Environments, 24-26 November, University of Trento (with A. Murgia).

2016  Stream convenor “Precarious work in knowledge societies: Exploring gendered power relations" - Conference Gender Work and Organization 2016 – 14-16 June, Keele University (with A. Murgia, M. van den Brink).

2014 Co-director of the National Conference "Districare il nodo genere-potere", 21-22 February, University of Trento.

2012  Stream convenors "The gendered politics of entrepreneurship" - Gender, Work and Organization 2012 - 7th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference 27th -29th June 2012, Keele University, Staffordshire, UK (with C. Holmquist, A. Kovalainen, E. Sundin).

2012 Co-director of the National Conference "Attraverso i confini del genere", 23-24 February, University of Trento.

2011 Director of the National Conference “Raccontare, ascoltare, comprendere. Metodologia e ambiti di applicazione delle narrazioni nelle scienze sociali”, 22-23 September, University of Trento.

2011 Stream convenor “Le politiche di genere in Italia e in Europa: quale futuro?”, IV Conferenza annuale ESPAnet Italia "Innovare il welfare. Percorsi di trasformazione in Italia e in Europa", 29 September – 1 October, University of Milan (with A. Donà)

2009 Co-director National Conference “Genere e precarietà”, 13-14 November, University of Trento. 

2007  Stream convenor "Gender as a social practice” Gender, Work and Organization 207 - 5th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference 27th -29th June 2007, Keele University (with A. Bruni, E. Kelan, J. Nentwich).

2004 Director of the Conference “Da Ipazia a Lara Croft. Donne, tecnologia e scienza”, 29 September, University of Trento.

2003 Co-organizer of the International Workshop Gender as social practice: doing, saying and performing gender relations, 28 November, University of Trento.


Presentations and invited talks at Conferences and Workshops (selection)

Bertolini, S., Poggio, B. (2022) Author meet Critics - “Research Handbook on Work-Life Balance” – SASE Conference, 9-11 July, University of Amsterdam.

Dalla Giusta, M., Poggio, B. (2022) “Disuguaglianza di genere”, invited speech at the seminar “Uguaglianza, Disuguaglianza” – Doctoral School in social science, University of Florence, 4 May, Florence. 

Carreri, A., Musumeci, R., Poggio, B. (2021) “Starting an Academic Career in Pandemic Times: Refocusing Gender Asymmetries and The Intertwining with Precariousness”, paper presented at the RINGS Conference “Forging New Solidarities: Networks of (Academic) Activism and Precarity”, 25 October, Budapest. 

Poggio, B., Tuselli, A. (2021) “Che genere di finanziamenti alla ricerca? Una riflessione sulle implicazioni di genere del sistema di allocazione delle risorse fra settori disciplinari a partire dal Bilancio di Genere dell’Università di Trento, XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIV, 23-23 September. 

Poggio, B. (2021) “L’importanza dei bilanci di genere”, invited speech in the Plenary “Investire nelle donne: un’opportunità da sviluppare all’interno del Recovery Plan”, 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, 15 September. 

Poggio, B. (2021) “L’intreccio tra conciliazione vita-lavoro prima, durante e dopo la pandemia”, contribution presented at the Webinar “Lavoro da remoto e conciliazione tra tempi di vita”, 9 September, University of Padua.

Cannito, M., Anzivino, M., Poggio, B. (2021) “The gendered construction of excellence in academia: an explorative analysis between different disciplines and career stages”, paper presented at the II international conference of Scuola democratica, “Reinventing education”, 2-5 June, Cagliari.

Carreri, A., Musumeci, R., Poggio, B. (2021) “Starting an academic career in pandemic times: refocusing gender asymmetries across disciplinary fields”, paper presented at the II international conference of Scuola democratica, “Reinventing education”, 2-5 June, Cagliari.

Poggio, B. (2021) “Working for gender equality in the neoliberal academia”, Guest speaker at the Lakehead University, Faculty of Business Administration. 

Poggio, B. (2020) “Gender and Fake News” panelist in the sub-plenary “Filter Bubbles and Tall Stories in a Post-Truth Era: Roles & Responsibilities of Intellectuals” (with Yiannis Gabriel, Barbara Czarniawska, Mark de Rond), EGOS Conference “Organizing for a sustainible future: Responsibility, Renewal & Resistance, Hambourg, 2-4 July.

Poggio, B., Bellé, E. (2019) “C’era una volta la famiglia naturale: retoriche antigender in salsa populista”, paper presented at Seminario AIS-Vita Quotidiana “Narrazioni e pratiche del fare famiglia”, 22 November, University of Trento. 

Poggio, B. (2019) “Donne e rappresentanza politica. Asimmetrie, cause e strategie di intervento” paper presented at the conference “Donne e rappresentanza politica nella storia d’Italia”, 7 November, University of Padua. 

Poggio, B. (2019) “Stereotipi di genere e processi educativi: tra ripetazione e cambiamento” paper presented at the conference “Ognuno è speciale. Includere, valorizzare i talenti, gestire la classe”, 29 October, Università Cattolica, Milan.

Poggio, B., Bellé, E. (2019)“The Italian war on «gender ideology». The case of the cancelled courses”, paper presented at CIEG II International Congress “Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies: Reflexivity, resistance and action, 24-26 July, University of Lisbon.

Poggio, B. (2019) “Squilibri di rappresentanza. Asimmetrie di genere nei luoghi della politica”, invited talk at the Seminar “Elette ed eletti. Rappresentanza e rappresentazioni di genere nell’Italia repubblicana, 27 March, University of Siena.

Poggio, B. (2019) “Squilibri di rappresentanza. Asimmetrie di genere nei luoghi della politica”, invited talk at the Conference “Elette ed eletti. Rappresentanza e rappresentazioni di genere nell’Italia repubblicana”, 21 February, Archivio Storico della Presidenza della Repubblica, Rome.

Poggio, B. (2018) “Careers and work-life balance in the digital era”, invited talk International Symposium Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Arbeitswelt fur die Frauen, Cusanus Akademie, Brixen, 14 September.

Poggio, B. (2018) “Molestie sul lavoro e culture di genere. Prospettive di analisi e di intervento”, invited talk at the Conference Le molestie sul lavoro, University of Trento, 7-8 September.

Poggio, B. (2018) “Implementing Structural Change” Roundtable, 10th European Conference in Higher Education, Trinity College, Dublin, 20-22 August.

Poggio, B. (2018) “Università e spazio pubblico: genere e sessualità al centro del dibattito politico.

Il caso dell’università di Trento”, paper session at the Conference Studiare il genere e la sessualità nell’università italiana, University of Verona, 28-29 June.

Poggio, B. (2018) “Welfare e genitorialità in azienda: istruzioni per l’uso”, invited talk at the Workshop Esperienze innovative di welfare aziendale, Fondazione Cassa Rurale di Trento, 18 June.

Bozzon, R., Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2017) “On the Leaky Pipeline in Italy: Gender Asymmetries in the Early Stages of Academic”, paper session at 29th Sase Annual Conference, University of Lyon, 29 June – 1 July.

Poggio, B., Rapetti, E. (2017) “I Piani di Azioni Positive delle Università italiane”, invited talk at the Conference Libertà è partecipazione. Dalla formazione alla presenza lavorativa e sociale delle donne. Il ruolo degli organismi di parità universitari, University of Udine, 3-5 May.

Poggio, B. (2017) “Il contributo dei progetti europei alle carriere femminili e all’innovazione scientifica. Il progetto GARCIA”, invited talk at the Conference Genere e scienza tra ricerca e innovazione, University of Pisa, 5-6 April.

Fiore, F., Poggio, B. (2017) “L’implementazione del Gender Equality Plan: criticità, successi e sostenibilità”, panel session at the Conference Saperi di genere, University of Trento, 20-21 January.

Poggio, B. (2016) “Gli studi di genere all’University of Trento. L’esperienza del CSG”, invited talk at the workshop Studiare le donne o il genere? I centri per gli Studi sulle donne o sul genere in Italia, University of Trieste, 13 December.

Poggio, B. (2016) “Un network per le azioni positive. L’esperienza dell’Università di Trento”, invited talk at the Workshop Genere e Generazioni, quale parità nelle università italiane?, University of Milan, 21 November.

Bellè, E., Poggio, B. (2016) “Danger, natural order and moral panic: The Italian ‘anti-gender’ mobilization as populist rethoric”, Paper session at the XXX Convegno della Società Italiana di Scienza Politica, University of Milan, 15-17 September.

Poggio, B. (2016) “Gender Asymmetries in Italian Academy: Emerging Scenarios and Policies for Change”, invited talk at the 111° American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, 19-23 July.

Ferri, D., Bozzon, R, Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2016) “In the Shadow of Academic Power: A “precarious standpoint” in the Italian University”, paper session at the 32nd EGOS Colloquium: Organizing in the Shadow of Power, University of Naples, 7-9 July.

Poggio, B. (2016) “Gender Studies at the University of Trento: the experience of the Center for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies”, paper session at the Workshop Gender and Politics: research, practice and education. Moving beyond the obvious, University of Padua, 9 June.

Bellè, E., Poggio, B. (2016) "New faces of populism: The Italian ‘anti-gender’ mobilization", paper session at the Conference Populist rhetoric, University of Jyväskylä, 17-19 March.

Poggio, B. (2015) “Nuove sfide e prospettive di conciliazione per le famiglie e i lavori che cambiano”, paper session at the Workshop Il lavoro di educatori e genitori con bambini piccoli, University of Trento, 18-19 September.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2015) “Results from the GARCIA project – Gendering the Academy and Research: combating Career Instability and Asymmetries”, paper session at Gender Summit 7, Berlin, 6-7 November.

Poggio, B. (2015) “Il progetto GARCIA. Università e ricerca in ottica di genere”, paper session at XXIX Convegno SISP, University of Calabria, 10-12 September.

Bozzon, R., Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2015) “New Trends, Old Asymmetries. Gender Implications for the Emerging Generation of Researchers in Italy”, paper session at 27th SASE Annual Meeting, London School of Economics and Political Science, 2-4 July.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2015) “Symbolic Gender Orders in Organizations. Persistance and Change” invided talk at the International Conference Fathers in Work Organizations: Inequalities and Capabilities, Rationalities and Politics, Bielefeld, 12-14 March.

Poggio, B. (2015) “Le differenze di genere in accademia: tra nuovi scenari e vecchie asimmetrie”, invited talk at CIRSDE, University of Turin, 3 March.

Poggio, B. (2015) “Genere e carriere scientifiche. Scenari che cambiano, squilibri che restano” invited talk at the workshop Scusa se voglio fare carriera. Disuguaglianze di genere e identità professionale, University of Siena, Arezzo, 2 March.

Poggio, B. (2014) “Il progetto GARCIA. Università e ricerca in ottica di Genere: superare le asimmetrie e l’instabilità nelle carriere”, invited talk at the Conference Genere e scienza. Saperi e carriere femminili nell’orizzonte europeo, University of Pisa, 20 September.

Poggio, B. (2014) “Politiche di genere e conciliazione responsabile”, invited talk at the Conference Carta dei valori – responsabilità sociale e conciliazione, University of Bolzano, 11 July.

Poggio, B. (2014) “Costruire il genere nelle organizzazioni. Tra lenti interpretative e strategie di intervento”, invited talk at the workshop Che genere di scienze? L’approccio di genere nella ricerca scientifica, University of Turin, 5 May.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2013) “The more you are educated, the shorter your contract is… A comparative study on young highly skilled precarious workers between Italy and Spain”, panel session, 11 ESA Conference, University of Turin, 28-31 August.

Poggio, B. (2013) “Strategies and challenges in transnational feminist exchanges”, invited talk at SWS Meeting 2013, ASA Conference, New York, 10 August.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2012) “Quando studiare non basta. Racconti di giovani highly skilled nel mercato del lavoro flessibile”, panel session at Convegno nazionale AIS-ELO, University of Calabria, Arcavacata, 27-28 September.

Poggio, B. (2012) “Conciliazione famiglia e lavoro e partecipazione degli uomini – La situazione in Italia”, invited talk at Workshop Vereinbarkeit von Familie un Beruf – Einbindung der Väter un Mäter, Brixen, 7-8 September.

Poggio, B. (2011) “Le politiche di genere in Italia e in Europa: quale futuro?” - IV Annual Conference ESPAnet Italia 2011, Innovare il welfare. Percorsi di trasformazione in Italia e in Europa, University of Milan, 29 September - 1 October.

Poggio, B. (2011) “Raccontare, ascoltare, comprendere” Opening speech, National Conference “Raccontare, ascoltare, comprendere. Metodologia e ambiti di applicazione delle narrazioni nelle scienze sociali”, Trento, University of Trento, 22-23 September.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2011) “Job Models Renewals with(out) Gender Models Renewals. Stories of High Skilled Workers in Temporary Jobs” – panel session, GWO International Workshop Series Gender Renewals, VU University, Amsterdam, 22-24 June.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2010) “Nouvelles formes de masculinités dans les organisations. L'expérience des congés parentaux racontée par les hommes”, Colloque International “Égalité hommes/femmes et articulation travail/famille: vers un nouveau modèle?, panel session, Paris, 30 September - 1 October.

Bellè, E., Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2010) “Looking beyond the gender pay gap. Research results on (de)valuation of women and men's work”, panel session 1st Global Conference The Value of Work, Prague, 5-7 November.

Poggio, B. (2010) “I costi organizzativi della maternità”, invited talk at the Workshop I costi della maternità e della conciliazione, University of Padua, 7 October.

Poggio, B. (2010) “Donne in divisa, disparità di genere e pari opportunità”, invited talk at the 3° Forum Internazionale delle Polizie Locali, Riva del Garda, 26 May.

Franch, M., Poggio, B. (2010) “L’ICT il benessere lavorativo e le performance aziendali”, panel session at workshop Nuove tecnologie e servizi per l’innovazione sociale, Trento, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, 11 May.

Poggio, B. (2009) “Gender as a social practice in organizations”, invited talk at the International Doctoral School on Materiality in Practice-Based Studies, Trento, 30 November – 2 December.

Poggio, B. (2009) “Genere e precarietà”, Opening speech at the National Conference Genere e precarietà, Trento, 13-14 November.

Poggio, B. (2009) “Il genere nelle organizzazioni”, invited talk at the Conference Diventare donne nel terzo millennio tra precarietà del lavoro e formazione di nuove identità femminili, Livorno, 24-26 September.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2009) “Unmasking hegemonic practices. Men’s stories on gender culture in organizations”, paper session 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona, 2-4 July.

Poggio, B. (2008) “Upsetting careers. Practices and Policies to Tackle Vertical Gender Segregation”, paper session 24th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, 4-6 July.

Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2008) “Cambiare le pratiche di genere nella pubblica amministrazione. Strategie di ricerca-azione”, paper session Convegno nazionale AIS-ELO, Turin, 3-4 July.

Poggio, B. (2008) “La progettazione in ottica di genere: istruzioni per l’uso”, invited talk at the Conference Strategie e approcci per l’equità di genere nella costruzione di partenariati territoriali, Trento, 28 May.

Poggio, B. (2008) “Conciliazione e flessibilità: ambivalenze e prospettive”, invited talk at the Workshop Conciliare vita e lavoro: trappole e opportunità del lavoro flessibile, Camera del Lavoro, Parma, 20 May.

Poggio, B. (2007) “Pratiche di genere nella pubblica amministrazione: un'isola felice?”, Opening speech – Conference Equal GELSO: innovare le pratiche di genere nelle organizzazioni, University of Trento, 25-26 October.

Murgia A., Poggio B. (2007) “Dancing the gender waltz. Constructing identities inside and outside organizations” – paper session, 23th EGOS Colloquium, Wien, 5-7 July.

Murgia A., Poggio B. (2007) “Il progetto EQUAL-G.E.L.S.O. Genere Lavoro e Segregazione Occupazionale”, paper session at the Conference I Centri Studi di genere: esperienze nazionali e internazionali a confronto, Pisa, 15 June.

Cozza, M., Murgia, A., Poggio, B. (2007) “Traiettorie ed intrecci nelle storie di carriera di uomini e donne. Una lettura di genere delle transizioni tra lavoro e non lavoro”, paper session at the Convegno nazionale AIS-ELO, Neaples, 24-25 May.

Murgia A., Poggio B. (2007) “Il posizionamento di genere nelle storie lavorative di donne e uomini”, paper session International Conference Genere e Potere. Per una Rifondazione delle Scienze Sociali, Rome, La Sapienza, 4-5 May.

Poggio, B. (2006) “Modelli di agire delle donne nelle organizzazioni”, invited talk at the Workshop Ostacoli di genere all'agire politico delle donne, Siena, 9 October.

Poggio, B. (2006) “Il contributo di Equal alla promozione delle pari opportunità”, invited talk at the Conference Il Fondo Sociale Europeo a sostegno della conciliazione di genere, Trento, 27 September.

Cozza, M., Poggio, B. (2004) “Informatica che passione! Donne e uomini nel settore dell’IT”, Opening speech, Conference Da Ipazia a Lara Croft. Donne, tecnologia e scienza, University of Trento, 29 September.

Bruni, A., Poggio, B. (2004) “Doing and saying gender in organization: a methodological reflection on gender as a social practice”, paper session 20th EGOS Colloquium, Ljubljana 1-3 July.

Poggio, B. (2003) “Gender as a discursive practice”, International Workshop Gender as social practice: doing, saying and performing gender relations, University of Trento, 28 November.

Poggio, B., Zanutto, A. (2003) “Alla cassa o al call canter? prospettive femminili nell'information society”, paper session Conference AIS-ELO “Società e New Economy”, University of Milan, 21 November.

Poggio, B. (2003) “Dalle donne-pegno alla cittadinanza di genere”, invited talk at the International Forum ASPASIA, Venice, 15 November.

Gherardi, S., Poggio, B. (2003) “Pratiche di conciliazione: tra fluidità del lavoro e trappole di genere”, paper session European Conference - Che “genere” di conciliazione? Famiglia, lavoro e genere: equilibri e squilibri, Turin, 28-29 May.

Poggio, B. (2001) “Women’s prospects in Information Society Sectors”, invited talk at the Workshop International Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Workforce Diversity: The Inclusive Workplace¸ Bellagio, 23-27 July.

Poggio, B. (2001) “The dual challenge”, invited talk at the Employment Research Center, Trinity College, Dublin, 12 February.

Poggio, B. (2000) “Casting the “Other”: Gender and Politics in Political Talks”, paper session 16th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, 2-4 July.

Poggio, B. (2000) “Il reinserimento professionale delle donne”, paper session ISFOL Conference, La dimensione verticale delle pari opportunità, Rome, 29 febbraio.

Poggio, B. (1999) “Narrating Challenges in Organizational Cultures”, paper session 15th EGOS Colloquium, Warwick, 4-6 July.

Poggio, B. (1999) “Between Bytes and Brycks: Gender Cultures in Work Contexts” – invited talk at the European Conference Work Life 2000, Labour Market and Social Policy. Gender Relations in Transition, Brussels, 31 May - 2 June.


Other work

Institutional positions and affiliation to scientific committees


Vice-rector for Equality and Diversity -  University of Trento (2015-22).

Head of the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender - University of Trento (2007-2021).

Head of the Central Committee for the promotion of equal opportunities, workers' welfare and non-discrimination – University of Trento (2015-21).

Co-director of the Editorial Series “Questioni di genere”, Rosenberg & Sellier (2017-22).

Member of the Sociology Working Group of the publishing company Il Mulino (2016-2022).

Member of the Board of Italian Sociology Association (AIS) - Vita Quotidiana (2019-21).

Member of the Scientific Committee of the Work Market Observatory of the Province of Trento (2014-19).

Delegate for Equal Opportunities of the University of Trento (2013-15).

Member of the Board of the Regional Institute for Studies and Social Research of Trento (1999-2013).

President of the Committee for Equal Opportunities of the Province of Trento (2006-12).

Currently member of the editorial board of the Journals: “Gender & Society”, "Gender Work and Organization", “Gender in Management", “Educational Reflective Practices”, “Sociologia del Lavoro”, “Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia”

Previously member of the editorial board of the Journals: “Polis”, “Social Problems”.

Reviewer for Journals:

Cambio; Community, Work & Family; Culture & Organization; Equality, Diversity and Inclusion; European Management Review; Gender in Management; Gender Work and Organization; International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship; International Journal of Management Reviews; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; Journal  of Organizational Change Management; Qualitative Sociology Review; Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia; Scandinavian Journal of Management; Scuola Democratica; Social Problems, Studi organizzativi.